BalchemThe new website,, brings together information nutritionists need to help manage the challenging transition period for maximum cow health and productivity.

The site is a one-stop resource for non-biased, non-commercial, science-based information that was launched by Balchem Animal Nutrition & Health on June 1.

"We designed the site to make it easy for the professional dairy nutritionist to stay abreast of advancements in transition cow management," says Balchem Ruminant Technical Director Dr. Ric Grummer.

The site features a balanced mix of transition cow news updates, monthly feature articles written by nationally recognized industry experts, compelling conference proceedings, and the most important journal articles - all in one convenient location.

"In addition to links to journal articles and research data, transition cow experts will review, summarize and report on the latest transition cow management trends. They also will be available to respond to comments and questions in the site's blog segment," Grummer adds. Site visitors can register to receive email updates when new articles or blog posts are added.

"The dairy business is more challenging than ever, and managing the transition period is an important ingredient to financial success," Grummer concludes. "We're dedicated to ensuring the site brings maximum information value, to help nutritionists serve their clients, and provides a non-commercial, science based service to the dairy industry."
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