by District 4 – Audrey Kusilek

Audrey KusilekYou want to be there for your family, not just your spouse or children, but grandchildren, too. How are you taking care of yourself to do all you can to make sure that happens? Are you balancing your life? It isn't easy, and on the farm, it can be pretty difficult. You run from one chore or project to the next. During planting and harvest it isn't unheard of to even find you've missed a meal or two because you were too busy to eat.

We all know this isn't the way you should take care of yourself or your family so a little planning at the beginning of the day or week goes a long way.

Prepare grab-and-go snacks at the beginning of each week. An apple and a serving of Wisconsin cheese or yogurt makes a great and filling snack that travels well. Think about other foods that you can make ahead and have at the ready – ham and cheese sandwich, hard-boiled egg and granola bar, cheese curds and some garden peas or carrots. Don't forget to top off your snacks with an ice cold glass of milk! All of these travel well and can be kept cool in a small cooler or insulated bag.

There might also be days, especially once school starts, that you may not see your family except to check on them while sleeping. No one intends for this to happen but we also know we can't predict how every day on the farm will go. Make a determined effort to check in with your family. Even a phone call can mean the world to a child to let them know you're thinking of them when you can't be there.

Exercise is another area that is hard to fit in but necessary. I like to run and I make time in my day to do it. I recognize not everyone likes to run or has time to incorporate it within a busy schedule. Simply find some type of physical activity you like and do it. I challenge you to fit exercise into your day. Need to scout your beans? Make it happen with a brisk walk, maybe adding in a few lunges or squats and you have yourself a workout!

Don't have time for that? Too strenuous for you? Then make sure you stretch. Yes, it can be that simple and you can even do a lot of them seated in a tractor cab! You'll be amazed at the difference you feel once you make a consistent and committed effort to exercise.

The Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board and the Wisconsin Dairy Council recognize the importance of health and fitness, too. As part of WMMB, the Wisconsin Dairy Council works within the schools promoting Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP60). This program, with the help of the National Football League encourages youth to eat healthy, including dairy at every meal, and to be active for a minimum of 60 minutes each day.

In Wisconsin, more than 1,800 schools participate in Fuel Up to Play 60. Throughout the school year the seven-person team that makes up the Wisconsin Dairy Council visits over 33,000 students to educate them about dairy and the importance of meaningful activity in their day. Learn more about the Wisconsin Dairy Council at You can also learn more about the FUTP60 program on this website and how you can become involved, too.

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