Evaluating effects on feed quality and yield

DuPont PioneerWith the late start to the corn planting season, alfalfa growers may be forced to make a decision when first cutting approaches. Do they keep planting corn or harvest first-crop hay?

Delaying First Cutting of Alfalfa
Delaying alfalfa harvest one day can cause an average drop of four relative feed value (RFV) points. At $0.70 to $1.25 per point of RFV, a four-point drop results in a loss of $2.80 to $5 per ton. If harvest weights average four tons per acre (first cutting), then the loss is $11.20 to $20 per acre per day.

Also, don't forget that delaying first-crop harvest means all subsequent cuttings are delayed as well, which could be an issue when trying to get that last crop harvested in the fall.

Delaying Corn Planting
Delaying corn planting past mid-May reduces yield potential but has little effect on quality. Corn yield loss is two to three bushels per day after May 15 in the Corn Belt, which means the loss is a minimum of $9 to $14 per day per acre, figuring $4.50 per bushel of corn.

Nutritional Factors
It is generally easier to offset a reduction in corn silage or grain yield than it is to make up for the milk-production losses that result from feeding poor-quality haylage. While late-planted corn could result in yield loss, late-harvested alfalfa has yield (lodging) and quality loss consequences. Thus, attempting to get haylage harvested on time is probably the best option overall.

If the grower chooses to continue planting corn, using a Pioneer® brand fiber technology inoculant on the alfalfa could be beneficial to recapture some of the lost feed quality. A 2013 study of haylage inoculated with fiber-digesting enzymes showed the inoculated feed had better rates of digestion, reached peak digestion faster and produced more microbial biomass.

For more information, visit The Silage Zone® at pioneer.com or contact your local Pioneer sales professional.
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