A Presentation by National 4-H Conference Participants Concerning the Future of Agriculture in the United States

--As Prepared for Delivery-

US House of Reps"Thank you Mr. Chairman and good afternoon. This is the first subcommittee hearing we have held this Congress, which means this is my first hearing as Subcommittee Ranking Member. I'd like to thank Chairman Davis for his leadership of this Subcommittee, and would especially like to thank him for reaching out early this Congress to discuss our mutual priorities and how we can work together. I look forward to working with him on policies to examine advancements and issues in biotechnology, supporting critical research, and providing support and stability for our horticulture industry.

"Today's hearing is an important one, and I'm pleased to see so many young people here today who are involved and committed to agriculture. We're often reminded that the average age of a farmer is in the 50s, but we don't always hear about the great number of youth involved. In my district and across the country, many farms are second, third, and fourth generation. So, it's critical that we continue to make transitioning a farm from one family member to another as easy as possible, as well as support policies that help pave the way for the next generation of farmers.

"The folks in this Committee room know all too well that there is a disconnect, at times, between areas that have agriculture and those that don't. We can all agree that passing the 2014 Farm Bill was no easy task, in part because many people around the country don't understand what goes into agriculture, or what makes up the programs that support a vibrant, healthy food supply.

"We need to do a better job of educating people on the importance of agriculture, and continue to build rural and urban coalitions, so that people's understanding of food extends beyond what appears on grocery store shelves.

"Great organizations like 4-H, which I participated in many years ago, are an important part of bridging that divide, and I'm looking forward to the presentations today.

"Thank you again Mr. Chairman, I yield back."
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